Tuesday 30 October 2007

Lesson project

Today in animation class we had around two hours to create a stop motion short, the task given was it had to show "anticipation."
We had to get in small groups, i was with Alex and Rory.

First attempt

This second attempt is much better.

Animation is the field i would like to pursue.

Sunday 28 October 2007

Alien Animation

Frank the Alien

This took me on and off all weekend, it started out as a quick sketch in my doodle pad and then i wanted to have a go at animating it. This is a loop of 7 frames, but i originally did more, not all of them worked.
I think this is a good start, Obviously its not finished, just basic colours at the moment. However its a step in the right direction.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

This is my first attempt at frame by frame 2D animation.

the blob

Not too bad for half a mornings work...
I'm sure i'll get better.

Newton's Cradle development.

This is posted jump a bit late. but as the saying goes better late than never!
In our last animation lesson i got set the task of creating Newton's Cradle (will come clear when you see the animation). SO...i did a little bit of research...watched some clips on youtube, then i very quickly made an 8 frame cell animation, just it get the idea. It worked out well, however there wasn't any weight behind the balls. I had another go, but this i made it look more stylish and added some frames and changed the frames per seond rate. It looks fine, but still has weight issues. SO THEN! i decided to concentrae on the balls, this time i used 28 frames and adjusted the fps rate. It is lots better, its not perfect, but it'll do for now.

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Pixar piss take...

Hey i found this when youtubing Pixar shorts, found it quite funny.

Not all of the animation is great, but you can see the detail he has tried for like,
The Lamps wire moves, and the light gets brighter when he reaches...well you know.

Hope you enjoyed it.


Hey hey,

I've started this animation blog to sit along side my Critical Blog.

I will use this blog to upload my development and to crit other work i find.

I'm really looking forward to start maing some good animation.